Stallion Approval 2025

Uznawanie ogierów
The Zangersheide International
Księga stadna
Lokalizacja Sentower Park Leemkuilstraat 21 3660 Opglabbeek Belgium
Koniec 15/02/25

Studbook Zangersheide's spring selection is traditionally one of the busiest and most visited stallion selections of the year. Just before the 2025 breeding season starts, our international jury consisting of Eric Levallois, Tim Rieskamp - Goedeking and Stijn van Campenhout  selects the new stallions from more than 100 candidates. The selection is particularly rigorous and thorough. Beforehand, the stallions undergo a clinical and radiographic examination by our veterinarians, after which our jury examines their model, their hand movements on hard ground and, of course, their free-jumping.

The stallion inspection is open to stallions born in 2021 and 2022 and registered with a recognised sport horse studbook (member of the WBFSH).


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