14 février '23
Silver for Bridgetown Z in the CSI2* GP of Ghent!

The past few days have been very busy on Belgian soil, because next to the two-star show in Azelhof, Flanders Horse Expo in Ghent was also on the program. Here too there was blue/yellow success during the CSI2* GP with a 2nd place for the Dutch rider Remco Been and the 11-year-old gelding Bridgetown Z, a son of Big Star Jr K Z and Carolus H who was bred by M.J. Greeve. Been and Bridgetown Z managed to qualify for the jump-off together with 9 other combinations and after another clear round they only had to tolerate the Irish rider Jason Foley (Rockwell RC).
Earlier on Sunday, also a 1.40m class for the CSI2* competition took place and we did get a Zangersheide horse at the top of the ranking here. Been's compatriot Julien de Boer took care of this with the 8-year-old stallion Creme De La Creme Z (Cornet Obolensky x Carthago Z – B: Carmel Ryan). De Boer and Creme De La Creme Z kept it clear in both the 1st and 2nd phase and with a finishing time of 23.22 seconds they were more than a full second ahead of the competition.
Furthermore, the Belgian rider Koen de Waele was placed again with the 11-year-old gelding Simply Magic Kdw Z (Scendix x Caretino – B: Kdw Horses), with whom he won a class the week before in Sentower Park, Opglabbeek. De Waele and Simply Magic Kdw Z started their show in Ghent on Thursday with a 2nd place during the 1.30m high opening class and jumped to a 6th place during this 1.35m class. The Argentinian rider Richard Kierkegaard followed in 7th place with the 9-year-old mare Platonica Z (Pilgrim Z x Chacco Blue – B: M. & R. Melchior-Kierkegaard).
During the 1.45m high Longines Ranking class on Friday, victory went to the Belgian rider Christophe Vanderhasselt with his 11-year-old grey gelding Arthuro de Sarlar Z (Breemeersen Adorado x Obourg – B: André Tavernier). He managed to beat the competition with a clear jump-off round in 35.87 seconds. Furthermore, the Dutch rider Jeffrey Schmitz also managed to ensure a clear jump-off with his 9-year-old chestnut gelding Kaviaar Delta Mossel Z (Kannan x Vigo d'Arsouilles – B: Wim Van De Plasse). They crossed the finish line in 39.85 seconds, which in turn was good for a 5th place in the ranking.
However, the fastest jump-off came from the Belgian rider Anthony Wellens with his 11-year-old chestnut stallion Danger Civil vh Lindenhof Z (Diamant de Semilly x Silvio I – B: Jean Pierre Bosch). The duo, who also finished 2nd in the GP Qualifier on Thursday, finished in 35.18 seconds, but due to a fault along the way they had to settle for 7th place in the ranking.
Also on Friday, the Belgian rider Jens Vandenberk secured a victory with his 15-year-old grey mare Cynthia Z (Calvados Z x Turbo van 't Gestelhof - B: Theo Kelchtermans). Vandenberk and Cynthia Z kept it clear twice and were more than a quarter of a second ahead of the competition.
Finally, during the 1.40m class on Thursday also the Dutch rider Harrie Smolders was placed with his 11-year-old stallion Escape Z (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Heartbreaker – B: Wim van Hoof and Yvonne Copal). They also kept it clear in both the 1st and the 2nd phase and so secured a 7th place in the ranking.