
Stud service conditions and rates

Breeding season 2025




The mare to be inseminated has to be identified to Stud farm Zangersheide. A one-time (free) registration of the mare will be realised by providing Stud farm Zangersheide with a clear photocopy of the mare’s ancestry papers. For mares already registered with Studbook Zangersheide no further registration is needed.



The breeding season runs from the 17th of February to the 1st of September 2025.



1. Semen from stallions stationed at Stud farm Zangersheide is available as fresh semen. Semen can either be collected or dispatched. In case fresh semen is not available we will, after consultation, dispatch frozen semen (while stock lasts).

2. Per mare, semen is supplied for a maximum of three cycles. If the mare is still not pregnant after three cycles, another stallion must be chosen without having to pay a new deposit, provided this is a stallion with a similar stud fee. In case the fee is higher, the surcharge has to be paid. In case a stallion from a lower fee is chosen, reimbursement of the difference in purchase price will not be possible.

3. A dose of fresh- or frozen semen for a next cycle can only be obtained after payment of the purchase price.

4. The mare owner must return the last insemination certificate and/or non-gestation statement within 90 days after the last insemination, stating thereby whether the mare is pregnant or not. Non-gestation statements can only be provided by veterinarians. If the breeder fails to report that the mare is not pregnant, the gestation charge will automatically be invoiced. This also applies to the ‘Breed now, pay in 2026’ construction.

5. Payment of stud fees.
Purchase/gestation constructions:
Stud fees have to be paid as follows:
- purchase price is paid on first insemination;
- the gestation charge has to be paid in case the mare is pregnant at 90 days after the last insemination;

The gestation charge = stud fee of last-chosen stallion.

‘Breed now, pay in 2026’

For the ‘Breed now, pay in 2026’ proviso, we will send an invoice of € 125.00 after your first order, which is the reservation charge. The reservation charge will be deducted from the total sum of stud fees in the case of a  living foal. The reservation charge is not refundable in the case of no living foal.   

You will receive the invoice for the remaining stud fee on the 1st day of the month of the expected birth of the foal.

This invoice has to be paid at the latest 48 hours after birth of the foal.

6. By ordering and buying semen the mare owner declares to have taken notice of these conditions and declares to fully agree with these stud- and payment conditions as well as the stud fees.





The mare owner has to return the last insemination certificate to Zangersheide stating the date of the last insemination.

If the mare is in foal then, on request and after payment of the gestation charge, the mare owner will receive a stud service certificate/birth notification which states the last insemination date. For foals that are registered with Studbook Zangersheide vzw no stud service certificate is required.



For frozen semen please get in touch with us via [email protected].



Special conditions apply to ICSI treatment of egg cells with frozen semen from our stallions. ICSI procedures may only take place in the facilities of any of the following stations: Avantea (Italy), Embryotools (Spain), Hurkmans ET(Netherlands), Equiception (Netherlands), UGent (Belgium).

Permission for the use of frozen semen for one session will be given after Stud farm Zangersheide NV has received a fully completed and signed contract and only after payment of the invoice for this session. The contract can always be requested, without obligation, by mail or telephone.

Semen will at all times remain the property of Stud farm Zangersheide NV and be stored at one of our stations.

No surcharge will be required based on the number of produced embryos. No claims for compensation are possible in case no embryos are produced.

The stallions that are available for ICSI, as well as their rates, can be found on our website.

Applications for a contract can be done via telephone +32 89 73 00 30 or via mail [email protected].   



In case the owner wants to present the mare for embryo flushing, this must be communicated to Stud farm Zangersheide at the time of the first semen order.

If no embryo(s) is (are) found, new semen (for a maximum of 3 cycles) can be ordered for this mare; provided that a veterinary declaration from the relevant embryo centre is submitted which confirms that the embryo flush from the previous insemination turned out negative. For orders of a fourth cycle a new advance has to be paid. In case the embryo flush turns out positive, a new advance will be invoiced for a next semen order for this mare.

In case multiple embryos are flushed from one insemination, the reservation charge/purchase advance payment will still be invoiced afterwards.

The gestation charge has to be paid per successfully transferred embryo in case the surrogate mare is proven pregnant at 90 days. Please note: The mare owner is held to provide Stud farm Zangersheide with an overview, drawn up and signed by the veterinarian or embryo transplantation centre, of the number of flushes and the number of (successfully) transplanted embryos per mare. In case transplantation of the embryo was not successful, this overview will count as a non-gestation statement.

Stud fees will be invoiced per successful embryo, this also applies to frozen embryos or in case several embryos are flushed from one insemination.

In all cases this has to be communicated to Stud farm Zangersheide.



Semen can be ordered by telephone (+32 89 73 00 30), or via the website

Orders via the website will only be definitive after confirmation (by phone or email) from our office.

Dispatch of semen ordered from Stud farm Zangersheide takes place as follows:

On week/working days:

Belgium: Semen ordered in the morning before 09:00 will be delivered the same day.
Netherlands: Semen ordered in the morning before 09:00 will be delivered the same day.
Germany: Semen ordered in the morning before 09:00 will be delivered in consultation.
France: via Zangersheide France : 0033 / 231 48 44 55

Other countries after arrangement by telephone.

Semen orders can also be collected from Stud farm Zangersheide between 11:00 am and 17:00 pm.


Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
Semen can be ordered until 09:00 am.
Please contact our office for delivery details.

On Saturdays ordered semen can be collected between 10:00 – 12:00 hrs. On Sundays and Public Holidays after consultation by phone.

On Sundays a limited supply will be available. Due to the production of health documents, semen can only be provided in Belgium.


For the collection/delivery of fresh semen a suitable container will be provided. There is no need to return this container.

Frozen semen will be delivered in a suitable container owned by Stud farm Zangersheide or in a container provided by the mare owner. The Zangersheide container has to be returned by and at the expense of the mare owner within seven calendar days. From the eighth day a rental charge of €25.- per container per day will be charged. This rental charge also remains payable after the eventual return of the container. The return date is always the date on which the container arrives at Zangersheide.




For orders abroad Stud farm Zangersheide will supply the required health certificates. Costs for the health certificate will be invoiced to the mare owner.



Payment of invoices from Stud farm Zangersheide has to take place within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment can also take place via cash payment, credit card or bank card at Zangersheide during office hours. In the event of failure to pay within the stated period of payment, the invoice amount will be increased with reminder charges and penalty interest as well as potential judicial- and extrajudicial collection charges.



Our Comilfo Plus Z, Brunetti Z and Dynamix Z have tested positive on the ‘Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome’. This is a genetic defect but the syndrome has not manifested itself in either Comilfo Plus Z, Brunetti Z or Dynamix Z and the syndrome will only be inherited by a small percentage of offspring in case your mare also happens to be a carrier of the same defect. To avoid breeder disappointment, we take responsibility: provided your mare has been tested negative for the WFFS syndrome beforehand, we will pay you a once only compensation of €10,000 if your foal dies from this syndrome (*) If you wish to inseminate your mare with semen from Comilfo Plus Z, Brunetti Z or Dynamix Z we offer you the option to have your mare tested at our cost. This can be arranged in consultation with our staff. In case you decide to go ahead with insemination of your mare with semen from Comilfo Plus Z, Brunetti Z or Dynamix Z after your mare has tested positive, you can no longer lay claim to the above-mentioned compensation in damages.

(*) Payment shall only take place in case a certified animal clinic issues an official report stating that the foal´s death was caused by the syndrome in question. Autopsy – and other costs related to this shall be at the cost of the breeder.



12. Stud fees and other rates

Stud fees

The listed stud fees are stated in Euros and are exclusive of VAT. Costs for dispatch of semen and health certificates are invoiced separately.

Other rates

Reminder charges:        € 10.-
Collection charges:        20% with a minimum of €100.- per case

Attempted fraud committed by the mare owner is punishable by an unconditional fine of € 10,000.- (excl. 21% VAT) per individual attempt, irrespective of and on top of the payable stud fee.

Stud farm Zangersheide has the right to change their stud service conditions and rates in the course of the breeding season without prior notice. The applicable conditions will always be published on the website.





Domein Zangersheide

B-3620 Lanaken

[email protected]


Ordering Semen              +32 89 73 00 30

Foalregistration                + 32 89 73 00 30

Bookkeeping                     + 32 89 73 00 13


Z-France                              +33 231 48 44 55

Z-Germany                        +49 23 65 97 19 602

Z-Poland                             + 48 53 61 90 668