15 May '23
New Life - U Demon RR Z (Utamaro D'Ecaussines Z)
New Life
Romy Ruijl is 17 years old and lives in Lanaken, Belgium. “I've been riding horses since I was 7, horses are my great passion, that's clear. The school benches are not spent on me. I felt like I was wasting my time there because I felt I could do other things to achieve my goal. My goal is to train and sell young horses on an independent basis. I also want to breed foals, but I have no ambition to become a breeder.”
In 2020 Romy started studying Horse Farming. This is how she ended up in internships that she always dreamed of. “The first place where I could really get involved with horses was at Inge Carton. There I gained a lot of experience in the field of riding, grooming, going on competitions and trading. After that I worked for a year with the Phillippaerts family. Here too I learned many new things, which will certainly help me in the future. At the moment I work with Mike van Olst, my trainer from day 1. I ride the horses with him, he is my mentor. After every test I drive, we watch the video together to see what can be improved. I am passionate and eager to keep learning and gaining new experiences. There is always room for improvement!”

Echarme met haar veulen U Demon RR Z
In 2016 Romy got her first horse: the Andalusian Tesoro. “I soon noticed that I preferred to jump. My parents said that I would get a showjumping horse, provided I also continued to take my dressage lessons. And yes, I got Echarme (Casmir Z x Impuls). This is a really great horse that I learned a lot from. We have been on the road together for 4 years and have ridden great international trials: Knokke, Lier, Sentower and Fontainebleau. I already had in the back of my mind that I would want a foal from Echarme. She had never had a foal before, so it was a real challenge for me to find a suitable match for her. Of course I immediately thought of Stoeterij Zangersheide!”

Utamaro D’Ecaussines Z
Romy has worked at many different stables and felt good while riding which characteristics she wanted or not wanted in her first foal. “I have looked at Zangersheide's stallion book several times, but my eye kept falling on Utamaro D'Ecaussines Z. He has everything: pedigree, blood, conformation, technique, attitude, scope and of course incredibly great results. I have merged this with the good qualities of Echarme; her good canter, winning mentality, scope and honesty.”
U Demon RR Z was born on April 25, 2023. “The birth was one that many would dream of: it went very smoothly and easily. U Demon RR Z is a well built stallion with four white socks. He has a very social character, is adventurous, cheerful and already a really tough guy. I am very proud of him! Of course only the future will tell, but I hope that U Demon RR Z will be in the hoofprints of his parents. We have already been to the selection days with him, to hopefully be able to participate in the foal auction in September.”