12 March '25

Z-France approves 19 new stallions!

Stallion Approval
Ultramaro V.V. Z

Ultramaro V.V. Z

Last weekend, the Pôle International du Cheval Longines in Deauville was once again the stage for the French edition of the Zangersheide stallion selection. For the twelfth year in a row, young stallions were given the chance to show their qualities before the stallion selection committee, consisting of Eric Levallois, Tim Rieskamp-Goedeking and Stijn Van Campenhout. With a critical eye, they assessed a total of 44 stallions, scrutinising both conformation and jumping ability.


On Saturday, all candidate stallions were first presented in hand, after which the 3-year-old stallions and some of the 4-year-olds were able to show their talents during free jumping. On Sunday, some of these young stallions were invited for a second round of free jumping. The older stallions were judged on Sunday for their performance over a standard course. In the end, 19 of the 44 stallions presented managed to convince the judges, earning them approval for the Zangersheide studbook!

Ultramaro V.V. Z

One of those stallions who managed to impress was the 3-year-old chestnut Ultramaro V.V. Z, where the letters V.V. refer to breeder Evelyne Van Vreckom. As his name might suggest, Ultramaro V.V. Z is a son of Utamaro d'Ecaussines Z out of the Chacco Blue mare Kerbie V.V.. We also know her as the dam of Chica V.V. Z (Comme Il Faut), who jumps at the very highest level with Belgian rider Gudrun Patteet, and of Corbie V.V. Z (Cornet Obolensky), one of Israeli rider Daniel Bluman's Grand Prix horses.

Avenir Wow Z

The stallion Avenir Wow Z was presented by his breeder BW Elevage EARL and approved as a breeding stallion in Deauville in 2023. His new owner, Ecuries CCV,  now presented him again, this time under saddle. The Aganix du Seigneur Z son out of the mare Quake Z comes from the dam line of Caretano Z and also convinced the judges under saddle, earning him a lifetime approval as a breeding stallion.

Emerald van 't Ruytershof

The stallion Emerald van 't Ruytershof signed the paternity of no fewer than 6 approved offspring during this twelfth Z-France stallion selection. They are the stallions Empeur GL Z (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Action Breaker - Breeder: EARL Lambert), Must VR (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Nabab de Rêve - Breeder: Haras du Reverdy & Haras du Fougeray), Elax SC Z (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Bamako de Muze - Breeder: Susanna Cremaschi), Precious du Soleil (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Kannan - Breeder: Sulaiman Alanbar), Pagani N (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Hamlet - Breeder: Nanning Stables) and El Camino T40 Z (Emerald van 't Ruytershof x Echo van 't Spieveld - Breeder: Team 40 Stables).

Below is an overview of the stallions that were also approved:

- Ellis de Will Z (Eldorado van de Zeshoek x For Pleasure - Breeder: EURL C. Eole)

- Telemaque Z (Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve x Fantomas de Muze - Breeder: Virginie Houard)

- Carecas SKH (Cornet Obolensky x Caretino - Breeder: Britta Höfs)

- Gaudi de Macheco Z (Ghost Z x Darco - Breeder: Robert van der Haegen)

- Calpe de Liebri Z (Chacco Blue x For Pleasure - Breeder: De Liebri BV)

- Pandore du Chapitre (Hamilton du Chapitre x Fidelgo du Houssoit - Breeder : Eva Gosselain SPRL)

- Quel Prince d'Eden Z (Quel Homme de Hus x Darco - Breeder : Eden Farm EARL)

- Cheers To Picobello Z (Curby du Seigneur x Vagabond de la Pomme - Breeder : Picobello Horses)

- Okavango Sitte (Quel Homme de Hus x Greco Sitte - Breeder : Horse Of Belgium SCRL)

- Jeronimo Van De Rib (Don VHP Z x Wonderboy - Breeder : Chrystel Ribe)

- Nippon d'Elle (Scherif d'Elle x Narcos II - Breeder : Alexis & Madeleine Pignolet)


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